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API Reference

Custom controller

The defineCustomController function sets up a custom controller to handle request from the page. Inside the controller you can define multiple server-side actions that could be used to fetch data from the database, external API, or perform any other operation on the backend.

The object returned by defineCustomController should always be exported as action from the file.

import { app } from '../.server/app';

export const action = app.defineCustomController({
getProduct: async () => {
// Inside this function you can fetch data
// from the database, external API, static file, etc.

// And return data to the frontend.
return {
id: 1,
name: 'Product 1',
price: 100,

// Frontend part
export default () => { /* ... */ };

Each action function should be defined inside the object passed to defineCustomController. The function should be async and return data that will be sent to the frontend.


Each action function can accept two arguments:

  • input: An object with parameters passed from the frontend.
  • ctx: An object with the request context, including user:
    • user: The user object with the id and email properties.
    • req: The HTTP request object.


Example of an action with arguments
export const action = app.defineCustomController({
getProduct: async ({ id }) => {
// Fetch product by id from the database
const product = await db.products.findOne({ id });

// Return product data to the frontend
return product;
Example of an action with context
export const action = app.defineCustomController({
getCurrentUser: async (_, { user }) => {
// Fetch user by id from the database
const user = await db.users.findOne({ id: });

// Return user data to the frontend
return user;
Example of an action withouth arguments
export const action = app.defineCustomController({
getProducts: async () => {
// Fetch all products from the database
const products = await db.products.find();

// Return products data to the frontend
return products;

Client-side usage

To call the action from the frontend, use the executeCustomAction function.


The function accepts two arguments:

  • actionName: The name of the action defined in the custom controller.
  • input: An object with parameters that will be passed to the action.


import { app } from '../.server/app';
import { executeCustomAction } from '@kottster/react';

export const action = app.defineCustomController({
getProduct: async ({ id }) => {/* ... */},

export default () => {
const fetchProduct = async () => {
// Call the getProduct action with id parameter
const product = await executeCustomAction('getProduct', { id: 1 });

return (
<Page title='My custom page'>
<button onClick={fetchProduct}>Fetch product</button>