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TablePage component

The TablePage component displays a dynamic table for viewing and managing data from a database. It includes features like search, sorting, filtering, and a record modal for inserting or updating records.

This component is closely integrated with the defineTableController settings, which control both API and table functionality. Key features enabled by these settings include:


  • title

    The title displayed at the top of the page.

  • columns

    Specifies the columns displayed in the table.

  • form

    Contains the form configuration for viewing, inserting, and updating records.

  • headerRightSection

    A custom component displayed on the right side of the page header.

  • headerBottomSection

    A custom component displayed below the page header.


By default, columns are automatically generated based on your database schema and defineTableController settings. However, we recommend defining the columns prop explicitly. This helps you avoid displaying unnecessary fields and makes the table easier to maintain in the future.

Here’s an example of a columns prop with defined columns:

{ label: 'ID', column: 'id' },
{ label: 'Email address', column: 'email' },
{ label: 'Name', column: 'first_name' },


Each column is defined as an object with the following parameters:

  • column


    The name of the column in the database table.

  • label

    string, optional

    The text displayed in the table header for this column. If not provided, the value from column will be used as the default.

  • width

    number, optional

    The width of the column in pixels. If not specified, the column will adjust to fit its content.

  • render

    function, optional

    A custom function used to render content in the table cells. It receives the record data as an argument.

    Example #1
    label: 'Full name',
    column: 'full_name',
    render: (record) => `${record.firstName} ${record.lastName}`
    Example #2
    label: 'Email',
    column: 'email',
    render: (record) => (
    <a href={`mailto:${}`}>{}</a>
  • linked

    string, optional

    Specifies related tables to join and display in the table.

    Learn more: Linked records (Joins)


Learn more about the form property and its fields on the TablePage form page.